Payment Reports

View information about transactions, the most common payment type, payment deposits, and more

Ashley Bennett avatar
Written by Ashley Bennett
Updated over a week ago

Payment Reports display data from received and recorded payments from customers. View all payments, payment types, and which customers are bringing in the most business.

View Payment Reports

Select the Reports icon from the left-side navigation bar. Select All Payments.

Payment report navigation

All Payments

What payments were made at the shop? View key information on all payments made in your shop, including both payments received and refunded.

All Payments report

Select Customize to choose which payment data is displayed. Select Filters to select which data is displayed.

All Payments report filters
  • Paid: Displays data from payments within the date range selected

  • Payment Type: Card, cash, check, or other

  • Customers: Select specific customers to view their payments


How much did the shop process through Shopmonkey Payments this month?

transactions report

The Transactions Snapshot includes Gross Revenue, Fees, and Net Revenue.

  • Gross Revenue: Total amount charged to customers and fleets

  • Fees: Total of processing fees

  • Net Revenue: net revenue = gross revenue - fees

Select Customize to choose which payment data is displayed. Select Filters to select which data is displayed based on the paid date.


When did the shop’s last Shopmonkey Payment happen? View the status of your current and past payouts. Find the date the payout was initiated, the date it arrived in your account, the bank account it was sent to, the amount of the payout, and the status of each payout.

payouts report

What are Payouts?

Payouts are the accumulation of your transactions using Shopmonkey Payments. Payouts are usually sent to your bank account on a 2-business day rolling schedule. Check out Shopmonkey Payments Payouts to learn more.

The Payouts Snapshot includes In Transit and Remaining Balance details.

  • In Transit: The accumulated payout that is in the process of moving to your connected bank account (typically 2 business days)

  • Remaining Balance: The accumulated transactions processed with Shopmonkey Payments that have not yet begun to transition to your connected bank account. The balance represents all transactions from the last payout onward and is likely to change as transactions are still accumulating. Once done accumulating, this balance will be bundled as the following payout

Select Customize to choose which payment data is displayed. Select Filters to select which data is displayed based on the arrival date.

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