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Track Part Returns

Manage and record part returns on work orders and the parts workflow page

Ashley Bennett avatar
Written by Ashley Bennett
Updated over a week ago

Part Return Process

Add a Return Tag to the Part

From within an estimate, select the + icon on the part line item of the part that you’d like to return. Add a new tag called Need to Return.

Creating a need to return tag and adding it to a part line item gif

Check out our help article Add Tags to an Order for more information on creating and using tags.

Add a Parts Return Service

Add a new service to the estimate called Parts Return Service. This new service will hold your part return so that the return can be documented and the return task can be assigned to a technician.

Please note: You must authorize the Parts Return Service before moving on to the next step. Check out the Authorization by the Shop section of our help article Request Customer Authorization to learn how to do this.

Set the Parts Return Service to hidden by selecting the … ellipsis and Hide from Customer. Setting the service as hidden will remove it from the customer’s view of the estimate and invoice.

hide service from customer

Title the labor line Process Return and assign someone in your shop to the return. Create a new labor rate called Returns with a labor rate of zero so that there is no additional labor cost added.

Creating a new returns labor rate gif

Pro-Tip: Save this service as a canned service to make all future part returns move a lot quicker. Some of our shops even add additional return instructions in the notes of the Parts Return Service so that all shop employees know just what to do when processing a part return.

Move the Part to the Hidden Service

Click and drag the part to the hidden Parts Return Service. Now that it has been removed from the visible service, you can invoice, accept payment, and complete the order process with your customer.

moving part from service to parts return service gif

Process the Return

Go the the Parts Workflow page. Quickly identify the part by the Status (the Need to Return tag).

parts workflow page need to return part

After you’ve processed the return with the vendor, change the tag from Need to Return to Returned.

changing tag from need to return to returned gif

After processing the return, we recommend going back to the work order to add a note to the Parts Return Service including confirmation numbers, vendor credits, and any other return information that should be documented.

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