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Payment Terms

Customize payment term settings to collect payments with customized due dates

Ashley Bennett avatar
Written by Ashley Bennett
Updated over 10 months ago

Apply customizable Payment Terms to specific customers and fleets to set invoice payment due dates. For example, Payment Terms can come in handy when you want to allow a particular customer or fleet 30 days after the invoice date until payment is due.

Set Up Payment Terms

Select the Settings icon in the bottom left corner of your screen.

Select Payment Terms under the Settings section on the left-hand side.

payment terms navigation

Select + New Payment Term in the upper right corner to create a new payment term.

Add new payment term button

Name the payment term, select the number of days after receipt (invoice date) until payment is due, and add any notes to the payment term. Select Save.

new payment term menu

You can build as many different terms as you need.

Edit a Payment Term

To edit or delete a payment term, select the … ellipsis next to the term. Select Edit.

edit payment term

Default Payment Term

Select the dropdowns under the Defaults menu to select a default payment term for both Fleets and Customers.

payment term defaults

Assign a Payment Term to a Customer

Apply payment terms to a specific customer or fleet. For this example, we will apply a payment term to a customer.

Select the Payment Terms dropdown and select the payment term you’d like to apply to this customer’s future orders.

payment terms customer selection

Within a Work Order

From within a work order, you can view the Payment Term on the right-side panel on the order tab. Select the payment term to apply a different payment term to this specific order.

payment terms work order

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