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Manage Inventory

Use your inventory to add and manage parts, tires, vendors, and line item categories

Ashley Bennett avatar
Written by Ashley Bennett
Updated over a week ago

View and update your parts, tires, vendors, labor, and fees with inventory management. Track what’s on hand and currently assigned to estimates, and receive alerts when your inventory is low or needs a reorder.


Select the Inventory icon from the left-side navigation bar.

Inventory page navigation

Inventory is organized into Parts, Tires, Vendors, and Categories.


Manage your parts and view part information on one page. Select Filters to filter the parts list by category, vendor, or status (e.g. reorder). Select Customize to change which columns are visible on your parts list.

Parts inventory page

View an overview of your parts inventory in your shop.

parts inventory overview
  • Total Quantity: current number of parts in your inventory

  • Total Cost: total actual cost of the parts in your inventory

  • Total Value: total retail value of the parts in your inventory

Part Quantities

View part quantities and automated reorder statuses when a part is below the minimum quantity you set to keep in stock.

parts inventory quantity on hand


Manage your tires and view tire information on one page.

tires inventory page


Selecting Vendors on the inventory page will bring you to the Vendors list page. This is where you can import vendor lists, add new vendors, and view vendor information.

Line Item Categories

Inventory items, tires, labor, and fees can all be assigned to a line item category. Using line item categories can help you stay organized in your shop. Selecting Categories on the inventory page will bring you to the Line Item Categories list page.

Check out our help article Line Item Categories to learn more.

Save a Line Item from an Order to Inventory

Select a part or tire line item from a service and select Add to Inventory on the right-side panel. Fill out the inventory item and select Save.

adding a part to inventory

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