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Shopmonkey: How do I view and export reports?

Learn how to run and download reports for invoices, payments, purchase orders, shop performance, and more

Garrett avatar
Written by Garrett
Updated over a week ago

The Reports page provides you access to numerous out-of-the-box reports providing data across various areas of your shop, such as sales performance, profitability, parts sold, and more. These reports are great for tracking and exporting your data, along with the options of setting a date range, sorting on columns, filtering, and customizing what data is displayed.

To view your reports, click the Reports icon from the left-side menu:

Exporting Reports

You can take your data from Shopmonkey at any time by exporting. You can use this data in other applications or give a copy to your staff for review. You can find the export button on all of your reports in the top right.

Export XLS

Using this option will download your currently displayed data to a file on your computer. The file will be in .xlsx format and can be opened into any application that supports that format. You can open this file in a spreadsheet to perform more calculations or to add your own charts and graphs.

Export PDF (Available in End of Day and All Payments)

Using this option will open a new window where you can customize how your data will be displayed in the PDF. In the list of settings, you can choose the Orientation of the page and set it to Portrait or Landscape. You can set the Paper Size, the Margins, and other settings for Headers and Footers, and Column size. You can also select which columns you want to be included with the Table Columns dropdown. By default, all columns will be added, but instead, you can select which table columns you would like in your PDF by marking them in the Table Columns dropdown. Click Export to bring up your browser’s print options. From here you can print it out or download it as a PDF.

Note: The PDF will export as displayed. If the data you want is being cut off, make sure to adjust the orientation or columns, so the data is exported to PDF as expected.


The Overview reports display information that can be checked regularly for a pulse of how your shop is doing. They contain tables of information, color-coded charts and graphs, and filters that narrow the reports to the specific information you’re looking for.

The Overview section includes:

End of Day Report - This report gives a snapshot of key performance metrics and payments to keep you informed on how money is flowing through your business every day. For more information check out our End of Day report article.

Sales Summary Report - This report displays your sales and shows breakdowns and percentages so you can know how your shop is doing. For more information check out our Sales Summary report article.

Referral Summary Report - This report breaks down the payments made by their referral source. For more information check out our Referral Summary report article.

Purchase Orders

Vendor Summary - Track the monthly costs spent on purchase orders and see a breakdown of your purchases by vendor. Data from all purchase orders with the Fulfilled status will be displayed on this report. For more information on Purchase Orders and the Vendor Summary Report check out our help article.

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to us through the Chat Icon in the bottom right corner of your screen. Thanks for reading!

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