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Add a Labor Matrix

Optimize your labor profits by setting up a labor matrix and standardizing your labor markup

Ashley Bennett avatar
Written by Ashley Bennett
Updated over 5 months ago

Labor matrices enable you to automatically set your labor markup so you can maximize your profit without the hassle of manually adjusting your rates or hours.

Based on your defined matrix ranges, the labor matrix will add a multiplier to the labor hour quantity. You can have your labor matrix multiplier affect the labor hours by a certain amount, resulting in an increased hour quantity. Alternatively, you can multiply the labor rate by a certain amount, keeping your labor hour quantity the same but increasing your labor rate.

Create a Labor Matrix

Select the Settings icon in the bottom left corner of your screen.

Select Labor Matrices under the Settings section on the left-hand side.

Labor matrices settings page

Select + New Matrix in the top right corner to create a new labor matrix.

Select Hours or Rate depending on which you’d like your multipliers to affect.

Add new matrix button

Customize your labor matrix by adding hour ranges and adjusting the multiplier for each range. Be sure to give your new matrix a title.

GIF of titling a labor matrix, adding hour ranges, and adjusting the multiplier

To set a labor matrix as your default, select the star icon.

Star icon to set labor matrix as default

Apply a Labor Matrix to a Service

From within an estimate, select a labor line item to verify or change which labor matrix is applied.

In the Enter Labor Information menu on the right-side panel, click the Labor Matrix dropdown to select the labor matrix you’d like to apply to that labor line item.

Apply labor matrix to a labor line item in service

You may choose to adjust your Hour or Rate Multiplier for that specific labor line item. When you select an Hour or Rate Multiplier greater than 1x, a breakdown of how that labor matrix/multiplier is affecting your labor item will appear.

Apply Rate Multiplier on a labor line item

Please Note: Any updates made to a Labor Matrix in General Settings will not update any applicable labor line items already included in a service. From within the estimate, click on the labor line item. Select the Update to Latest prompt in the Enter Labor Information menu to update.

update labor matrix in an estimate

Add a Labor Matrix Override for Specific Customers and Fleets

Set a unique labor matrix for each customer or fleet to override the default pricing. Adding the customer to an estimate will automatically apply their labor matrix and override any other labor matrices.

Select the customer you’d like to add a labor matrix override to in your customer list.

Select Customer Info to view pricing customization for this specific customer.

Toggle on Does this customer have a labor matrix override?” to select the appropriate labor matrix you would like applied to this customer.

Customer info page including pricing overrides

Please Note: To add a labor matrix override to a Fleet, select the ... ellipsis next to the fleet you want to edit to open the Fleet Info menu. From here, you will find the same pricing customization toggles.

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