How do I use the Legacy Calendar Experience?

Schedule and track appointments, associate estimates, send confirmations and reminders to your customers, and more

Garrett avatar
Written by Garrett
Updated over a week ago

The Calendar allows you to create appointments, view your shop schedule, send your customers appointment confirmations and reminders, and track approved and canceled appointments.

To access the Calendar, click the Calendar icon from the left-side menu:

At the top of the page are the primary actions and drop-down menus:

  • Click Today to be quickly shown the current date

  • Click the < and > directional buttons to move the calendar forwards or backwards by one month, week, or year, depending on your current view.

  • Click the drop-down menu to the right of the directional buttons to change the Calendar view between Month, Week, or Day.

  • Click the drop-down menu to the left of the New Appointment button to change between viewing Everyone (which shows all appointments) and By Tech (which defaults to a Week view showing appointments your technicians have assigned to them).

Note: you can only view your appointments By Tech in the Week or Day view:

  • Click the βš™ icon for the Calendar Settings menu to modify your Calendar's view:

  • Lastly, click the New Appointment button to open the New Appointment menu:

How to create a new appointment

From the New Appointment menu, give an appointment a name, date/time, and if applicable, a note. Click on the date itself to access a calendar view:

The remaining fields are where you'll enter the details of the estimate to be associated with this appointment. Enter the customer, vehicle, and the customer's contact information. You can add a technician to the estimate by clicking the + button to the left of the Technicians field.

Select an existing estimate from the Add order drop-down to associate the new appointment to, or create a new one right from the New Appointment menu.

How to set up recurring appointments

You have the option to have an appointment repeat if you intend on having recurring services for a customer. To set up recurring appointments, click on the checkbox next to Repeat underneath the appointment date:

Then, you can set how often the appointment repeats by adjusting the appropriate fields. Click Add End to set how many occurrences of the appointment take place before the appointments stop repeating, or decide on what date the appointments no longer repeat:

How to send appointment confirmations & reminders

If in the New Appointment menu you have entered your customer's phone number and email address, then you can send them an appointment Confirmation and an appointment Reminder via email and/or SMS text:

Click the anywhere in the Send Confirmation or Send Reminder sections to preview and edit the appointment Confirmation and Reminder messages for your customers.

You can customize the subject and body of the message, and can even select a message template to automatically populate these fields. You can manage your message templates by clicking Manage:

  • Send Confirmation: When this toggle is on, a confirmation is sent to your customer either when you click the Create button or when you click Add New from the Add order drop-down from within the New Appointment menu.

  • Send Reminder: When this toggle is on, along with an appointment reminder message being sent, there will be an option for the customer to confirm or cancel the appointment directly from the message they receive.

Once your customer confirms the appointment, the Calendar appointment shows a green check mark, signifying that it is confirmed:

Alternatively, if a customer cancels an appointment, the Calendar appointment shows a red cancel icon:

Click on the 1 Day Before, 3 Days Before, or 7 Days Before buttons to choose how many days before their appointment your customers will receive their Appointment Reminder. Click Custom to manually type the number of days:

Additional ways to edit and view appointments

  • From anywhere in Shopmonkey, you can create a new appointment by clicking the + button at the top of the page and then clicking Appointment:

  • You can also create a new appointment from within an estimate. At the top-right of an estimate, click the Schedule link to the right of the APPOINTMENT header to open the New Appointment menu:

Once an appointment is associated with an estimate, you can view the appointment's date and time to the right of the APPOINTMENT header:

Click the appointment's date and time to view and make adjustments to the appointment.

  • Click on the appointment from your Calendar to see a pop-up menu showing a snapshot of your appointment:

Thanks so much for reading! Please let us know if you have any questions.

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